That’s silly and cute, baby Ann.

But he likes it.
"Because it’s a class now," said Ann breathlessly.
Don’t forget to run forward.
It turned out that she remembered that it was a class …
"What are you running for in class?" Liu Ximo stopped his seat and jokingly looked at him and ran safely.
They were silent …
What the fuck is he running? There’s no silver chasing her …
"If you don’t chase me, I won’t run away." After Ann finished, she didn’t notice that the people behind her had stopped long ago.
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Teacher N77 waits for a [hilarious]
"If you don’t chase me, I won’t run away." After Ann finished, she didn’t notice that the people behind her had stopped long ago.
Everyone is sweating again.
Mo Liang touched her head. Her little girl looked behind and ran.
"I didn’t chase you …" Liu Ximo coughed two explanations.
"But I saw it," said Ann as she walked …
Well, she’s exhausted.
Meow, that’s all the lung capacity.
"How long ago was that …" Liu Ximo was silent for a while and said.
"Just now," murmured Ann.
Turned around and found that everyone in the class looked at her like a monster …
She’s embarrassed
It’s the first time. What a shame! !
Must be the first stain in her life.
-actually she has a lot of stains …
Yeah, she hasn’t found anything
"Cough-cough children’s shoes are back to soul class". The teacher at the podium cleared the way.
Should be praised by Liu Ximo’s children’s shoes? She thinks so.
The second time, the doll was scolded by herself …
She should be praised for helping out this time, right?
But Liu Ximo ignored it.
Everyone looked at the teacher in tune.
An An was the only one who ignored the teacher, but it made her even more embarrassed.
"The teacher wait a! !” Ann called to the soft voice, but it was full of murderous look at the moment.
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N78 transfer students [Zi Xuan and Xixi children’s shoes reappear]
"The teacher wait a! !” Ann called to the soft voice, but it was full of murderous look at the moment.
Liu Ximo looked at Ann funnily. What was she going to do?
Don’t be confused. What is this?
"What happened to Ann’s children’s shoes?" The teacher asked patiently
Ya, everything she does has to offend people …